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Jump to navigationJump to search- 22:07, 20 November 2018 PK City International Airport (hist | edit) [815 bytes] TheGreenKangaroo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "PK City International Airport is an airport located in PK City. This airport has two terminals and six concourses. Concourses A, B, and C are in Terminal 1 and has flights to...")
- 23:09, 5 November 2018 Unclaimed Station (hist | edit) [288 bytes] TheGreenKangaroo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "When you see a station with the text, Unclaimed Station, that means that no one has claimed the station. You are free to claim the station. When you claim the station, a tempo...")
- 01:29, 5 November 2018 Citylocation Western Line (hist | edit) [695 bytes] TheGreenKangaroo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Western Line is a rail line on the Citylocation server. There are multiple stops on this line. {| class="wikitable" ! Code ! City ! Notes |- | style="background-color:#f...")
- 21:22, 14 October 2018 Cityway 10 in Penguin-Kangaroo (hist | edit) [884 bytes] TheGreenKangaroo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In Penguin-Kangaroo, Cityway 10 has 233 exits. Some notable cities")
- 17:38, 14 October 2018 Cityway 10 (hist | edit) [689 bytes] TheGreenKangaroo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Cityway 10 is a major highway that spans across the southern part of the country. It starts in Wateropolis, Greenish, and terminates on the Kangaroo-Penguenia border, in PK Ci...")
- 01:16, 13 October 2018 The Bedrock Challenge (hist | edit) [714 bytes] TheGreenKangaroo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Bedrock Challenge is a challenge in which a block of bedrock is randomly hidden on the server by TheGreenKangaroo or User:TheGrayPenguin|TheGra...")
- 23:58, 1 October 2018 Penguenia (hist | edit) [1,955 bytes] TheGrayPenguin (talk | contribs) (Created page with " == History ==")
- 01:04, 1 October 2018 Kangaroo (hist | edit) [2,045 bytes] TheGreenKangaroo (talk | contribs) (Initial Creation)