Kangaroo (officially the Republic of Kangaroo) is a country on the MineContinent server currently owned by TheGreenKangaroo. It is composed of twelve states. Its capital is Kangarooville, CT.
History[edit | edit source]
TheGreenKangaroo and TheGrayPenguin proposed the idea of two countries when creating the server: one named Kangaroo and one named Penguin (now called Penguenia). They would each border each other near PK City. Later on, TheGreenKangaroo and TheGrayPenguin decided to let others make countries. Currently, Kangaroo is the largest country.
Transportation[edit | edit source]
Road[edit | edit source]
Kangaroo has an expansive road system. There are three major classifications of signed roads.
Cityway Highway System[edit | edit source]
The Cityway Highway System is a system of freeways that run around the country. They are numbered from 1 to 60, with lower numbers in the south and west. Even-numbered cityways travel west to east, while odd-numbered cityways run from north to south. Cityways whose number is divisible by 5 travel from coast to border or border to border.
Kangaroo Federal Routes[edit | edit source]
State Routes[edit | edit source]
Rail[edit | edit source]
Air[edit | edit source]
States and Territories[edit | edit source]
The following is a list of all twelve states of Kangaroo and a description of each one.
Greatstate[edit | edit source]
Joeymania[edit | edit source]
Greenish[edit | edit source]
Greenish is the only state where all road signs are in the language of Greenish. Its capital, Greenland, is located on the western side of Greenish. This state has an underwater city named Wateropolis. The state of Joeymania is to the north of Greenish, while Eucalyptus has a border on Greenish's east.
Eucalyptus[edit | edit source]
Northland[edit | edit source]
Pouchland[edit | edit source]
Capital Territory[edit | edit source]
Flordant[edit | edit source]
Hopsland[edit | edit source]
Kickstart[edit | edit source]
Punching[edit | edit source]
Penguin-Kangaroo[edit | edit source]
Penguin-Kangaroo is the only state that borders Penguenia. Its capital is the western side of PK City. It is bordered by Punching to the west and Kickstart to the north.