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The history of the Republik von Pinguin (also known as Penguenia or Penguinia) has a shared history with Kangaroo. They were both spurred out of a need for a new and innovative server idea that was sure to change the online Minecraft community as we know it. It was an end result created by mixing ideas of both TheGrayPenguin and TheGreenKangaroo. The "Republik von Pinguin" or "Penguinia" was born. Today, Penguinia is a melting pot of ideas, community and innovation.


Pinguinia is a democratic republic consisting of The Legislative Branch, The Executive Branch, and the Judiciary. Free Elections are held each term for Leaders of Parliament, Governors, and local office positions.

See here for more in depth information: [1]

Penguin Islands

The Penguin Islands are a territory of the Republic of Penguin. They are accessed by ship or flight from select cities in Penguinia and Kangaroo. The captal of the Penguin Islands is Cape Flipper on the island of Kat.


Road Systems

Public Roads are controlled by the "Pinguin-Verkehrsagentur". All roads, public, or private must drive on the left-hand side of the road. You must have a valid driver's license to operate a "motor vehicle" in the Republik von Pinguin. Travel Safely!

Public Transport

Penguina has some of the most renowned public transportation systems in MineContinent. So good in fact that The Republic of Kangaroo has contracted Penguin Federal Railways to construct Kangaroo's long distance inter-city rail lines. Buses are 0.25 $ PEN per station and long distance routes are 30 $ one-way. Metros are free in all Penguinian cities. Long distance rails tickets are 59.99 $ round-trip. (24.99 $ one-way.) Rail passes are 349.99 $ per year. Coupons are available by contacting either TheGrayPenguin or any worker of PFR or PNR. Travel Safely!